“This seductive story, moreover, does not know a beginning and an end, but is renewed with every transit and every glance.”
Those seductive Zen Sculptures – Nine large sculptures by Kan Yasuda at the Viareggio Terrace
Luciano Caprile Art Critic
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Kan Yasuda
Renzo Piano Architect
“I like his sculptures, they are often like giant pebbles dragged through the streets by the current of an unlikely flood.”
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For Kan Yasuda
Isamu Noguchi Sculptor
“Yasuda was fortunate in being able to bypass art and produce so fine a work, although he will no doubt insist this was his sole intention. Again I would say he is fortunate in knowing when to insist on the process of art to protect his integrity.”
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Fred Licht Curator, Guggenheim Museum, Venice
“The meaning of Yasuda's sculptures is in the change that has been wrought within us by the contemplation of his sculpture.”
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Kan Yasuda: Sculptures to Lure the Gods
Sumio Kuwabara Art Historian
“All of Kan Yasuda’s works are designed in whatever environment they are placed to produce the palpable existence of the infinite (both in terms of Time and Space) in a single instant.”
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Listening to the Stone: …… Yasuda’s Sculpture Prologue to the exhibition “The Way of Sculpture” in Milan
Makoto Ooka Poet
“The sculptures of Kan Yasuda unwittingly restore the liberated and relaxed ego of the people who come into contact with them.”
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Peter Murray OBE Executive Director, Yorkshire Sculpture Park
“This was Kan Yasuda’s largest exhibition to date and his first solo exhibition in the UK, providing an opportunity to observe the sculptures as they interacted with nature throughout the season sand with the constantly changing environment.”
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Yasuda Kan
Bruno Munari Artist, Designer
“A work of art that represents nothing is a work of art that contains everything. There is not just one «meaning» but there are a hundred thousand stimulic depending on the moment.”
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Expressions in Marble Works by Kan Yasuda
Masaaki Iseki Director, Tokyo Metropolitan Teien Art Museum
“It can probably be said that the contemplative character was born from fusion with nature, rather than departing from nature or being immersed in nature.”
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“Touching the Time” in the Mercati di Traiano in Rome
Lucrezia Ungaro Director of Mercati di Traiano, Museo dei Fori Imperiali
“The white colour of the marble and the dark colour of the metal alternate; they are made bright and blinding by the rays of the Sun.”
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Exhibition at Assisi
Hayao Kawai Commissioner of the Agency for Cultural Affairs of Japan
“Spirit doesn't have shape. The "shapes" that Kan Yasuda creates, however, make people who view and touch them believe in the existence of spirit. Through this spirit, all people can be connected in mind.”
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KAN YASUDA wind, water, fire, and earth
Father Vincenzo Coli Custodian of the Holy Convent
“I believe this consciousness is expressed by Kan through the purity in his sculptured marble of our earth.”
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About Sculptures of Kan Yasuda
Masaaki Iseki Director of Tokyo Metropolitan Teien Art Museum
“In a sense, we would be able to witness the moment that scenery becomes art, art becomes scenery, and new natural space is created in an extremely meditative manner.”
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Kan Yasuda : master of knowledge and beauty
Antonio Paolucci Head of Artistic and Historical Endowments' Office
“Yasuda creates pure forms and, with humility and infinite care, has set up his unchangeable absolutist elements in the city.”